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From: conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: IDE/ATAPI probe (was Re: Upgrade gripe)
Date: 2 Feb 1997 17:07:35 GMT
Organization: NeoSoft, Inc.
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <5d2hkn$2l1@uuneo.neosoft.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35038

In article <5ch131$6pu@uuneo.neosoft.com>,
	conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier) writes:
> For what it's worth, here's what works for me in my kernel.
> The wdc0 has two IDE hard drives (wd0 is DOS, wd1 is FreeBSD).
> Wdc1 has the CD-ROM (master) on wd2. 
> controller      wdc0    at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 vector wdintr
> disk            wd0     at wdc0 drive 0
> disk            wd1     at wdc0 drive 1
> controller      wdc1    at isa? port "IO_WD2" bio irq 15 vector wdintr
> disk            wd2     at wdc1 drive 0
> #disk           wd3     at wdc1 drive 1
> options         ATAPI   #Enable ATAPI support for IDE bus
> device          wcd0    #IDE CD-ROM
> FreeBSD's sysinstall *still* doesn't think I have a CD-ROM, but it *will*
> use the already mounted /cdrom.

Made an interesting discovery recently with 2.1.6.  If I comment out both 
of the drives on wdc1 (wd2 and wd3), my CD-ROM gets probed correctly as an 
ATAPI device (at the wd2 address).

It seems (I could be wrong; please correct me if so) that the probing 
code will only probe for one or the other, i.e., if the kernel config 
says "look for an IDE disk drive at wd2", then that's *all* that will 
be probed for.  If wd2 is disabled, then the probe for the CD-ROM at this 
location succeeds.

Are my suspicions on this correct?  Does the probe actually work this 
way?  It seems to me that it *should* look for both, i.e., if the probe 
for an IDE disk drive fails, see if it's an ATAPI CD-ROM instead.

Perhaps this is what's causing all the problems with failed probing of 
CD-ROMs in the GENERIC kernel?

Just wondering.