*BSD News Article 88426

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From: peter@nmti.com (Peter da Silva)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Measuring "stability" (was: Linux vs BSD)
Date: 6 Feb 1997 17:41:26 GMT
Organization: Network/development platform support, NMTI
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <5dd546$1ro@web.nmti.com>
References: <32DFFEAB.7704@usa.net> <5d9p55$t1h@news.ox.ac.uk> <5dadfr$cnu@web.nmti.com> <ywtu3nq7oyq.fsf_-_@math.ucsb.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sonic.nmti.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.misc:156324 comp.os.linux.advocacy:82510 comp.unix.bsd.misc:2270

In article <ywtu3nq7oyq.fsf_-_@math.ucsb.edu>,
Axel Boldt  <boldt@math.ucsb.edu> wrote:
> peter@nmti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
> I have some problems with these terms since we all seem to agree that
> neither Linux nor FreeBSD ever crashes in everyday usage.

I'll agree that, though with the caveat that you might need to try a couple
of times to get one of the reliable Linuxes. I've got stacks of Linux CDs
from installs that didn't make the cut before I finally settled on Red Hat.

Make it Red Hat (and probably Debian, based on comments other people have
made) and I'll go with it.

> The above looks like a good start.  Should be a little bit more
> formalized though. I saw a test of Unix utilities a while back, where
> they threw random input at them, and the GNU tools came out as the
> most stable, far ahead of comercial Unices (does FreeBSD use the GNU
> tools at all?). Maybe we can do something similar for OS's. Surely,
> both systems will improve as a result.

Well, you can run Crashme. It's nasty... it traps *all* exceptions then runs
randomly generated code until the system kills the process or crashes, or
you get tired of waiting for it to go down.

BSD uses a lot of the GNU tools. We're not *crazy* or anything. Just control
freaks (or whatever the popular epithet of the day is).

             The Reverend Peter da Silva, ULC, COQO, BOFH.

                  Har du kramat din varg, idag? `-_-'