*BSD News Article 88440

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From: le@put.com (Louis Epstein)
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 2.2-RELEASE???
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Organization: Putnam Internet Services
Message-ID: <E55xs4.1Hy@nonexistent.com>
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Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 04:00:03 GMT
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35077

J Wunsch (j@uriah.heep.sax.de) wrote:
: le@put.com (Louis Epstein) wrote:
: > : >> On the net:  Late January.
: > 
: > It's getting very late in January...so is it a matter of days,or has
: > the schedule slipped a bit?
: As usual :-/, it has slipped a bit.
: Anyway, we're finally making progress.  It has been deferred for just
: one reason: we knew that the ahc driver had some problems for quite a
: serious number of people that justified to not release it until at
: least the most annoying of them have been resolved.  Alas, the only
: guy who's ``in it'', Justin Gibbs, had to change his employer and move
: across half of the US.  Now he has arrived at his final destination,
: has got a job that is related to SCSI and FreeBSD (:-), and has been
: doing the long-awaited commits.
: We settled for 2.2-GAMMA on monday, though i figured Jordan was a
: little premature and has already renamed it to GAMMA this morning...
: The first GAMMA SNAP should already be available, expect some more
: commits from me over the weekend.

Where is that Gamma already?
: Of course, the final date for 2.2R heavily depends on positive or
: negative feedback to 2.2-GAMMA.