*BSD News Article 88814

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From: Peter Mutsaers <plm@lucent.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: java in FreeBSD
Date: 10 Feb 1997 09:13:09 +0100
Organization: Lucent Technologies, Indian Hill
Lines: 19
Sender: plm@hzsbc259.nl.lucent.com
Message-ID: <y7zbu9tt6y2.fsf@hzsbc259.nl.lucent.com>
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>> On 10 Feb 1997 04:44:32 GMT, hsu@alumni.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (Jeffrey
>> Hsu) said:

    JH>  Recently, I need to use Java for some projects.
    JH>  I found Javac, the compiler, but
    JH>  could not find Java the virtual machine (or the interpretor) 

    JH> ftp://freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/LOCAL_PORTS/jdk102.11-26.tar.gz

Although the Linux port of the JDK seems better. At least when you use
a 16bpp color depth (like I do). I run Linux's JDK under the Linux
emulator and it seems to run fine (but I've only run some demo's with it.)

The FreeBSD native JDK shows warnings all the time related to memory
management (I think about free() ). I don't know how serious that is.

Peter Mutsaers      Lucent Technologies, Network Systems
plm@lucent.com      Huizen, the Netherlands