*BSD News Article 88867

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From: Bill Harris <billh@airmail.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: NetBSD on DECstations ?
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 16:17:26 -0600
Organization: Internet America
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Michael Engel wrote:
> Yiorgos Adamopoulos (adamo@ajax.noc.ntua.gr) wrote:
> : Has anybody tested NetBSD on DECstations?  I have five of them running
> : Ultrix4.3 and would like to change to NetBSD.
> Hmmm, well, I spent last Thursday and Friday trying to install NetBSD
> on a DecStation 5000/200 here. Here's my experiences:
> [I used NetBSD-1.2 from netbsd.wifo.uni-mannheim.de]
> So, I'm back with Ultrix 4.4, as we wanted to get the machine running (it will
> be our student's WWW server here at Siegen Univ. !). I'd rather prefer to run
> NetBSD, but wasn't able to resolve the problems ...
> regards,
>         Michael Engel   (engel@unix-ag.uni-siegen.de)

I've got NetBSD 1.2/pmax running on 3 decstation 5000/240's.  Runs 
great.  Installing the first was a real pain and took some gyrations 
(and guts).  Now I boot and install off of a Zip disk and I can
get NetBSD up and running in about a half hour from a vanilla
Ultrix config.
