*BSD News Article 89139

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From: thorpej@baygate.bayarea.net (Jason R. Thorpe)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Why no addusr?
Date: 15 Feb 1997 00:47:08 GMT
Organization: George's NetBSD answer man
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <5e312c$fc8@news.bayarea.net>
References: <none-ya023480001912962244220001@news.infi.net> <DERAADT.97Feb10191845@zeus.theos.com> <5dtc0g$hd0@cynic.portal.ca> <1997Feb14.090136@screwem.citi.umich.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: baygate.bayarea.net
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:5365

In article <1997Feb14.090136@screwem.citi.umich.edu>,
peter honeyman <honey@citi.umich.edu> wrote:

>so where does that leave you?  at citi, we used netbsd for quite some
>time, but got sick and tired of patching the bug fixes we submitted to
>the netbsd core into release after release.  that sucks.

I have to take issue with this...

I was aware that Jim Rees sent mail about bugs from time to time.  However,
I just checked the bugs database... not a _single_ bug report was ever filed
by _anyone_ from CITI.

How can you attack NetBSD for not fixing your bugs when you never
submitted bug reports?

Also, I just checked the core archives (being a member of core, I can do
that...)... No reports of bugs were ever sent to "core@netbsd.org"
by CITI folks, either.

What likely happened, is that a message was posted to port-i386 about
a bug in some non-i386-specific part of the system, and it fell through
the cracks.  That's not our fault.  That would be analagous to posting
about a linker bug to some linux network driver mailing list.

Given that we have a bug-tracking system in place, it's totally unreasonable
to expect developers to scour mailing list archives looking for possible
bug reports.

I suggest that if you're going to complain about The Man's System,
you ought to try actually using it first.

	-- Jason R. Thorpe <thorpej@bayarea.net>