*BSD News Article 89199

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From: f e l l o w s d @ c s . m a n . a c . u k (Dona K. Fellows - feeling spaced out)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Linux vs BSD
Date: 11 Feb 1997 10:58:42 GMT
Organization: Dept of Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <5dpjd2$i3l@m1.cs.man.ac.uk>
References: <32DFFEAB.7704@usa.net> <32F378FC.41C67EA6@freebsd.org> <slrn5ekm26.5ml.ralsina@ultra7.unl.edu.ar> <32F68743.2781E494@freebsd.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: r8h.cs.man.ac.uk
NNTP-Posting-User: 8028
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.misc:158529 comp.os.linux.advocacy:84024 comp.os.linux.setup:97437 comp.unix.bsd.misc:2504

In article <32F68743.2781E494@freebsd.org>,
John S. Dyson <dyson@freebsd.org> wrote:
> There are other applications also, commerical and otherwise that our
> BSDI and Linux emulators can run.  Frankly, it is just *nice* to be
> able to run a full spectrum of applications from various OSes.  For
> a similar reason, we support read/write of EXT2FS (mostly for upgrades
> from Linux.)

Hmm.  Came across a wierd bug with the FreeBSD ext2 support recently
where a combination of the FreeBSD NFS server, an ext2 filing system
and a collection of SunOS4 clients resulted in some odd directory
permissions behaviour.  Note that I'm not the admin for the system
where this problem occurred (nor am I even strictly on the same
network) so I can't give more detailed reports on the problem (such as
the version of FreeBSD or the exact hardware configuration of the
server) and I'm not the right person to talk to about fixing the
problems (Dave Gilbert <gilbertd@cs.man.ac.uk> is the right person)

The point of all this is that, while I think that FreeBSD is all well
and nice, toting it as a be-all-and-end-all to stability is, to say
the least, premature.

BTW, the machine also had a random reset problem, which was cured by
disconnecting the reset switch so the invisible gremlins couldn't come
along in the middle of the night and muck around with the machine (one
time it managed to randomly reset itself while we were watching, so we
know it wasn't happening through human intervention)

<snorts> This post is beginning to feel like it ought to be
cross-posted to alt.folklore.computers  :^)

Donal K. Fellows   http://r8h.cs.man.ac.uk:8000/  (SAY NO TO COMMERCIAL SPAMS!)
(work) fellowsd@cs.man.ac.uk     Dept. Comp. Sci, Univ. Manchester, U.K.
 |     donal@ugglan.demon.co.uk  6,Randall Place, Heaton, Bradford, U.K. (home)
 +-> ++44-161-275-6137  Send correspondence to my office  ++44-1274-401017 <-+