*BSD News Article 89425

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From: honey@citi.umich.edu (peter honeyman)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Why no addusr?
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 10:52:21 EST
Organization: Center for Information Technology Integration, Univ of Michigan
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <1997Feb16.105221@screwem.citi.umich.edu>
References: <none-ya023480001912962244220001@news.infi.net> <DERAADT.97Feb15210103@zeus.pacifier.com> <5e62ct$rdo@news.bayarea.net> <5e6db9$8cg@news.pacifier.com> <5e6k49$621@news.bayarea.net>
Reply-To: honey@citi.umich.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: screwem.citi.umich.edu
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:5446

Jason R. Thorpe writes:
  In any case, my point, quite simply, is that the facts are non-public.
facts are a funny thing ... people who believe theo's vangogh claims
would hold that the facts are indeed public, and that your refutation
simply does not exist.

so the proof may not be public, even though the facts are.  you keep
talking about the proof -- what about the facts?
