*BSD News Article 89515

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From: ghudson@mit.edu (Greg Hudson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Flamage.  "Slime".  A plea for quiet, if not peace. (WAS Re: Why no addusr?)
Date: 18 Feb 1997 03:39:02 -0500
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Sender: ghudson@the-light-fantastic.MIT.EDU
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> tls, what's slimy here is your alteration of the content and meaning
> of my notes.

Do take into account the propagation delay of news to some sites,
please.  (It's possible that Thor is ignoring you, but I doubt it.)

Anyway, I searched through port-i386 for stuff from Jim Rees, and
looked at his hacks page, and submitted PRs (one for the sync change
he requested and one for the "route flushall" command he wanted) for
the two changes that looked possibly worth taking.  Both of those are
change requests, not bug reports.  Of the other five changes on his
hacks page, one is the famous wd diff which can destroy filesystems,
one is allegedly from the PR database, one was from mycroft, one was
an inappropriate hack to work around a real problem (disks spinning up
when the atime on a pty device is modified), and one was marked as
"you probably don't need or want this one [if you don't have a Gateway

Now, can we stop beating this issue into the ground?