*BSD News Article 89599

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From: Terry Kennedy <terry@spcuna.spc.edu>
Subject: Re: Buslogic 958
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Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 07:30:00 GMT
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc:6032

tanjs <jstan@pacific.net.sg> writes:
> Is there anybody having problem using Buslogic 958 (ultra SCSI)
> for BSD 2.1. Any info is appriciated.

  As far as I know it should work. I've used the 948 (ultra) as well as the
956 (wide) under 2.1. The only problems I know of are that:

  1) wide ID's (ID's 8 to 15) will not be configured by the driver (but ID's
     0 to 7 *will* run in wide mode). This is fixed in 3.0.

  2) You may need to use either the "aha" or "bios" bootstraps, and which one
     works is non-obvious and may vary between motherboards.

  3) The card may show up at either 330 or 334, so you need both "bha0" and
     "bha1" configured in the kernel.

  I expect to address problems 2 and 3 after 3.0 ships (I haven't had time to
revisit them). 3 is simply a case of treating the adapter as a PCI device and
scanning the PCI space.

  If you could be more specific regarding what problem(s) you're having, I
could probably give you a better answer.

	Terry Kennedy		  Operations Manager, Academic Computing
	terry@spcvxa.spc.edu	  St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ USA
        +1 201 915 9381 (voice)   +1 201 435-3662 (FAX)