*BSD News Article 89818

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From: thorpej@baygate.bayarea.net (Jason R. Thorpe)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.announce
Subject: New GNATS category: security
Date: 21 Feb 1997 02:58:06 GMT
Organization: George's NetBSD answer man
Lines: 12
Approved: netbsd-announce-newsgroup@mail.netbsd.org
Message-ID: <5ej2vu$m87@news.bayarea.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: baygate.bayarea.net
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.announce:366

As a companion to our new tech-security@netbsd.org mailing list, there
is a new GNATS category, "security".  If you follow -current, the next
time you SUP and install send-pr, the new category will be available.

This category exists to facilitate reporting security-related bugs.
In addition to the netbsd-bugs mailing list, PRs in this category
are also sent to security-alert@netbsd.org, which is a group of
developers responsible for handling security-related issues.

Jason R. Thorpe
NetBSD Core Group