*BSD News Article 89819

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From: jbg@skunkworks.specialty.ab.ca (Jason George)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: I need MORE than 120 ptys........please help
Date: 21 Feb 1997 17:37:29 GMT
Organization: Specialty Installations 
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <5ekmgp$mp@skunkworks.specialty.ab.ca>
References: <3309E9A0.938@sticky.usu.edu> <330D4865.3F54BC7E@FreeBSD.org>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35882

Jordan K. Hubbard (jkh@FreeBSD.org) wrote:
: Hal Lynch wrote:
: > I have a Compaq Deskpro 5100 with a 100mhz Pentium, 81920K bytes
: > of memory and Free BSD 2.1.5 running a gateway application for our

: How much memory?  81MB?  That's kind of an odd amount. :)  I'll assume
: you typo'd in a 0 and what you actually meant was 8MB, in which case

Jordan, you forgot the key word in Hal's post...   Compaq.   :-)

As anyone who's ever put their head in a Compaq engine bay in the (usually)
futile attempt to debug a hardware problem will agree, there is compatible
and then there's Compaq-compatible.  <smirk>   I've seen Compaq 
systems with odd amounts of RAM :  40M, 72M, 80M.  Why those amounts?
Usually because some purchasing manager thought it would be cool to have
something "different".   Blech!
