*BSD News Article 91820

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From: zeek@primenet.com (John Reynolds)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Please help w/ gcc 2.1.7
Date: 23 Mar 1997 12:34:03 -0700
Organization: FGP-AZ. South Chandler Branch
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <slrn5jb1cc.bca.zeek@dolphin.primenet.com>
References: <5h3tlh$k7m@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
Reply-To: zeek@primenet.com
X-Posted-By: @ (zeek)
X-Newsreader: slrn ( (BETA) UNIX)
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:37610

On 23 Mar 1997 11:44:01 -0700, mwefer@primenet.com <mwefer@primenet.com> wrote:
> Hello - I've just installed 2.1.7 w/ the novice / developers setup
> and am having a little tbl getting gcc to work. (???)
> My source file - test.c - is:
> #include <stdio.h>
> main()
> {
>    printf("FreeBSD Rules......\n");
>    return 0;
> }
> When I run the command: "gcc -o test test.c" it seems to complete
> ok, I don't see any errors or anything, and it makes a file called
> "test".
> When I try to execute the "test" file it just returns to my prompt.

Aaaa. Finally a posting I can answer ;-)

I've fallen into this before ... so don't feel too bad! I'd bet $100 that
you're really executing /bin/test when you say

  % test

from your prompt. Do "man test" ... you'll see what it's for. I'd suggest
renaming your "test program" to test1.c or something else. Or, you could

  % ./test

and I betcha it'll print "FreeBSD Rules.......".


John Reynolds               Four Guys' Plumbing -- South Chandler -- M.o.S.T.W.
jreynold@sedona.intel.com      SPG Central Logic Engineering, Intel Corporation
zeek@primenet.com                             My opinions are mine, not Intel's
http://www.primenet.com/~zeek/                   Running FreeBSD and loving it!