*BSD News Article 92017

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From: Peter Mutsaers <plm@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: Sys V Streams Vs. BSD Sockets
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.4.25/Emacs 19.34
Sender: plm@plm.xs4all.nl
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Message-ID: <87913ay08y.fsf@plm.xs4all.nl>
References: <5h4rte$92a@news.interlog.com> <3337E127.7BEA@xnet.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 18:30:21 GMT
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:37799

>> On Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:28:55 +0000, Paul Young <phy@xnet.com> said:

    PY> They are not mutually exclusive. BSD sockets is on most SysV systems,
    PY> though
    PY> there are a few semantic differences.
    PY> If you mean TLI vs Sockets, then there are some references - check out
    PY> the Networking Interfaces section of the SvR4 programmer's guide - it
    PY> can be ordered from Sun (for Solaris 2.5x) or SCO (for Unixware).
    PY> Also, Comer's 'Internetworking with TCP/IP vol 3' has separate versions
    PY> for TLI and sockets.

Both TLI and sockets are just the API to the TCP/IP stack (or possibly
to other communication stacks).

Streams or the 'traditional BSD' way are two different ways of
implementing the stack (in the kernel).

You can have a sockets interface to streams (on SYSVR4 Unixces) and
can even have a TLI interface to a traditional stack (SunOS offers it
I think).

The normal case however is TLI on streams (SYSV) or sockets on other
TCP/IP implementations.

Streams is cleaner, it is a general message passing mechanism to
implement drivers. But it is also much slower, amongst others because
of extra copying.
( o.o ) Peter Mutsaers  |  Abcoude (Utrecht), |  Trust is a good quality
 ) ^ (  plm@xs4all.nl   |  the Netherlands    |  for other people to have