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From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.org>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCING: Open Sound System for FreeBSD
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 14:12:17 -0800
Organization: Walnut Creek CDROM
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <333EE541.31DFF4F5@FreeBSD.org>
References: <5h56up$kd7$2@nntp2.ba.best.com> <l599h5.e7.ln@dolphin.neosoft.com> <333966A5.41C67EA6@FreeBSD.org> <5hfa8f$2oi@uuneo.neosoft.com>
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To: Conrad Sabatier <conrads@neosoft.com>
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:38125

Conrad Sabatier wrote:
> Unfortunately. for me, it's *not* working.  :-(
> Tried it with my crummy motherboard Crystal CS4232 audio, no go.  Decided it
> was time to do something about my lack of quality sound, so bought a
> Soundblaster AWE 64.  Still no go.  :-(

And you reported all of this to the support email address at 4front?  I
can assure you that they probably DON'T read this newsgroup and all of
this will be wasted effort if you don't report it back to the source.

> BTW, didn't I see someone posting something about PnP in FreeBSD recently?
> Is this a new feature in 3.0?  Perhaps that would solve my problems.

No, OSS does it's own PnP support internally.  It's supposed to work on
your system and if it doesn't, you & 4front need to figure out why. 
Hell, for $20 you could become a customer and start pestering them
officially. ;-)
- Jordan Hubbard
  FreeBSD core team / Walnut Creek CDROM.