*BSD News Article 92507

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From: Paul Nguyen <pauln@cstone.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Linux v FreeBSD Which?
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 14:46:53 -0500
Organization: Cornerstone Networks
Lines: 46
Message-ID: <334014AD.71D@cstone.net>
References: <859744742.6285.0@isotoxin.demon.co.uk> <5hmlaj$h4l@sjx-ixn8.ix.netcom.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:38218

Dong Lin wrote:

  In article <859744742.6285.0@isotoxin.demon.co.uk>,
          deano@isotoxin.demon.co.uk (Dean Lewis) wrote:

  >Which would be the best to setup on my PC?? Ive tryed Linux but im
  >fussed on my current distrbution so I am about to get hold of
  >but as Linux is being updated all the damn time I thougth i'd look
  >FreeBSD, what exactly are the pro's and the cons of both systems?
  >are both Unix which has got to be better than some of the terrible
  >OS's (or OS) that is taking over (Need I mention dates and stuff!)
  >It would also be great if FreeBSD was released in ONE distribution
  >something unlike Linux?
  >Any advice on what makes FreeBSD more attractive than Linux or
  >whatever would be appreciated.

   Linux is much easier to install.  For example, Kermit and Zmodem
  are not on the FreeBSD cdrom, so
  you have to make PPP working before you can install them.  Of course
  you can download them from
  another OS can copy those files over and install them, but it is
  just too much hassle.  Also,
  softwares on Linux appear to be in newer versions than on FreeBSD.

 Last time someone here tried to install Linux off the net there was no
option to do so in the linux installation.   And with the Linux
distributions all in scattered places without any consistency from one
site to another, there is no way you can tell if your next installation
is somewhat close to your last unless you are doing it from cdrom.   Let
me tell you one thing,  I can always get the latest and greatest version
of FreeBSD installed on my system from scratch with only a boot disk and
a ethernet card and an Internet Connection,  but I know that everyone
does not have a dedicated Internet connection.  With Linux,  I must copy
installation on to diskettes and swap disk,  but with FTP installs,  I
can easily go do something more meaningful than watching the screen.
