*BSD News Article 93025

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From: Niklas Saers <niklass@vgs.sn.no>
Newsgroups: comp.windows.x,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: X color limitations? Why?
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 10:59:11 -0700
Organization: Ewox
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <334935EF.3670@vgs.sn.no>
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> First off, i'd recommend upgrading to Xfree86 3.2.  Second, have you
> tried to start X with a -bpp option?  Try something like

How should I do this? I tried downloading the damn thing, then compiling 
it for FreeBSD, but none of the files were marked as executable. :-I And 
I even followed the instruction set. Is there a compiled version around 
for BSD


		Niklas J. Saers
		 Beren of Ewox