*BSD News Article 93093

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From: landen@frg.eur.nl (Peter van der Landen)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.ppp,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
Subject: Re: http over ppp
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 15:03:37 GMT
Organization: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Lines: 54
Message-ID: <334908a6.7318945@zon.cir.frg.eur.nl>
References: <33402601.4802@mr.picker.com> <33405f07.192621@>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.protocols.ppp:17185 comp.os.linux.networking:74691 comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:5777 comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix:28143

On Tue, 01 Apr 1997 01:05:11 GMT, solarix@mail.daphnis.com (Jerry
Allen) wrote:

>On Mon, 31 Mar 1997 21:00:49 GMT, Randy Skedel <skedel@mr.picker.com>
>>Hi guys,
>>I'm sure someone here can help me. I'm running a NetBSD box with Apache
>>web server, mgetty and pppd.  I can dial into the box and make a ppp
>>conection just fine.  I can telnet, rlogin, ftp and just about anything
>>you can think of accross the ppp link. Only problem is, I can't access
>>html pages with a browser over the ppp link. It serves the pages up fine
>>through the ln0 (ethernet) interface but not through ppp0.
>>If I telnet over the ppp link to port 80 and issue a GET for an html
>>page, that works but when I use the browser, it just hangs with "Host
>>contacted. Waiting for reply..."
>>When I look in Apache's access_log, it shows that the page I requested
>>was serviced successfully. 
>>When I use tcpdump and monitor ppp0, I can see a few www packets but
>>then they stop.
>>Like I say, everything else works fine accross the ppp link.
>>Any ideas?
>Maybe the mtu/mru packet size of the ppp connection?
>I had trouble with Netscape using mtu smaller than 1500..

This is weird!

I noticed that I was having trouble accessing *some* websites
(www.altavista.telia.com, AltaVista's Euro-Mirror). The problem did
not occur with *most* websites (maybe this rules out Apache as the
problem cause). Note that the problem also occured on Win95 PC's that
are connected to the Net via the Linux box (via a CSlip link to a
Linux box, MTU 300).

It wasn't Netscape's problem, because lynx (on Linux) showed the same
symptoms (lynx on the Linux box other side of the CSlip link was fine,

I changed my MTU to 1500 and my problems disappeared.

So, thanks for the tip!

Weird tho....

Peter van der Landen