*BSD News Article 93324

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From: gerg@netcom.com (Greg Andrews)
Subject: Re: Netscape - X Windows swapping problem
Message-ID: <gergE8GILJ.JnM@netcom.com>
Organization:  Movie marquee:    THE FLY  GODS MUST BE CRAZY  ALIENS
References: <3349D0B6.5572@eng2.uconn.edu> <zS45pMD4F99acz9@rb.xs.use.ch> <5ijedj$12j$1@bofh.noc.best.net>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 04:46:31 GMT
Lines: 22
Sender: gerg@netcom23.netcom.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:38895

rone@bofh.noc.best.net (Ron Echeverri) writes:
>I have just over 117MB of swap, and it still happens...  After a few
>days, depending on what else i run, Netscape 3.01 will slowly consume
>my swap until there's nothing left.  I have to exit it to recover
>about 60MB of swap, and then restart it.  I guess the Netscape
>programmers haven't heard about memory leaks.

I can just see Mark Andreesen lurking nearby, in his Mad Scientist
lab coat, wringing his hands.

  Look, Igor.  Today Ron's swap partition, tomorrow THE WORLD!


:::::::::::::::::::  Greg Andrews  gerg@netcom.com  :::::::::::::::::::
Hardware, n.: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.