*BSD News Article 93460

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From: stephan@forthdv.pfm-mainz.de (Stephan Forth)
Subject: Re: Emacs
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Organization: Forth EDV Beratung+Schulung
Message-ID: <E8JuCn.71y@forthdv.pfm-mainz.de>
References: <slrn5kvtrt.4ec.beren@pe049.persbraten.vgs.no>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 23:53:11 GMT
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:38983

Niklas Saers (beren@pe049.persbraten.vgs.no) wrote:
: Hi.. I've installed emacs on my computer, by a FreeBSD package. But when I
: run it, it sais it can't find libgcc.so.261.0 
: My question is: Where can I find this? And I've noticed that quite many
: packages ask for *.so.* -files which I don't have from time to time, but
: which I've downloaded from different servers. Where should I get them at
: usual?

Just do a link from the libc to the required libgcc. In case of the
emacs this works great for me...

Regards, Stephan

FORTH EDV Beratung + Schulung             stephan@forthdv.pfm-mainz.de 
Martin-Luther-Str. 55                     voice: +49 6131 581072  
55131 Mainz, Germany                      fax:   +49 6131 581073