*BSD News Article 93614

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From: "Karl E. Taylor" <ktaylor@dragon.illusions.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Problems installing qpop2.2.tar.Z
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 15:05:04 -0700
Organization: Desert Dragon SOHO Solutions
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A friend and I have built a 2.1.5 machine for his church.  We have been
trying now for 2 weeks to get the qpop2.2.tar.Z to load into the
system.  We have tryed pkg_add, make install, make, etc. etc. etc.  This
system will not be connecting to the internet but will be used for local
mail with either netscape's mail or Eudora.

Can some one please give us some tips.  We are going bald quickly.


Karl E. Taylor				CEO & UNIX Systems Analyst

Desert Dragon SOHO Solutions		ktaylor@dragon.illusions.com

Get the hint!"