*BSD News Article 93681

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From: jsi@idiom.com (Michael Craft)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: ( FreeBSD > root < Linux ) > /dev/flame
Date: 16 Apr 1997 07:18:38 -0700
Organization: JSI
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <5j2n3u$54p@idiom.com>
References: <33513993.167EB0E7@sarenet.es> <5iruhb$rde@idiom.com> <slrn5l673t.4k.c_chaos@chaosnet.wahnapitae.on.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: idiom.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.advocacy:38957 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39158 comp.os.linux.advocacy:93104 comp.os.linux.misc:170084

> >> 	I'm a bit tired of seeing endless and worthless flame wars about
> >> which OS is better: FreeBSD or Linux.
> >
> >I have a good idea: do subscriptions to both Linux and FreeBSD,
> >until you figure out which one you like better.
> I've just set up NetBSD, myself, after having run Linux for a bit under
> two years.  Not better, not worse - just different.

I'd of tried NetBSD, but it doesn't support the IDE junk that came 
with my PC, which I had the mistake of selecting from a chain store,
not knowing my devices.

> At home: Linux, AIX, Minix, BSD.  Most of it on third hand hardware,
> abandoned because it won't run W95.  "Here, take it!  It's no use
> to me!"  Silly buggers ;)
> There'll be no unix-vs-unix flames from this house!
> They _all_ beat the pants off of W95/3.X/NT.

Ah, but AIX and Digital Unix don't come with source; if I go to the
Digital Alphas, that leaves me with Linux or NetBSD.

> Well, okay, Minix isn't exactly "power", but it isn't meant to be,
> and I've seen nothing else make complete use of the i286 the way it does.

It goes into 286 protected mode, I guess?  The real mode is just no 