*BSD News Article 93998

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From: Nathan <nathan@senate.org>
Subject: InfoMagic's BSDisc Sucks
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Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 18:58:17 GMT
Lines: 18
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39408

When FBSD 2.2 first came out, InfoMagic cancelled production on its
BSDiscs to produce a new BSDisc. "Coming in March 97 -- preorders being
it said. Well now 2.2.1 is out and they're still "Coming in April 97."
In short,
unless you REALLY need to save $5 and get both FBSD and NetBSD, buy
direct from
Walnut Creek.

-- ##########################################
   #  Nathan Dorfman, Senate System Admin   #
   # -------------------------------------- #
   #    "The U.S. is like the guy at the    #
   # party who gives everyone cocaine and   #
   #  still noone likes him." -- J. Samuels #