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From: "Jerry Powell" <jpowel@udel.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.openbsd.misc
Subject: Read Unix floppy on PC?
Date: 21 Apr 1997 16:07:11 GMT
Organization: Winterthur Museum
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <01bc4e6e$8f17c500$0a62af80@NCD.NSS.UDEL.EDU>
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I'm sure I'm not in an appropriate newsgroup for this question, but don't
know where else to turn. If someone can redirect me, if not answer the
question, I would be very grateful.

At work we've got a Bell (Lucent) Call Management System running UNIX
3.2.3. I need to get a text file from that box to a PC and Lucent's tech
support said find a utility that allows me to read a floppy on my PC that
was formatted and written to by the 3B2 (which has a standard (?) floppy
disk drive--700+K per disk (?)). I know nothing about UNIX, which is
obvious, but I'm pretty good at the technical stuff on the PC side.  Can
anyone suggest a utility or better route?  Lucent killed some other
options, like formatting and writing to a PC floppy or using terminal
emulation (apparently because of weaknesses in the 3B2 system itself
running this version of UNIX).

Thanks very much!!

--Jerry Powell