*BSD News Article 94235

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From: Chris <che@cnetusa.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: CDROM Installation Probs.
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 11:43:42 -0700
Organization: Aimnet Information Services
Lines: 57
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I'm kind of new to this myself. I have a 2.1 FreeBSD CD from Walnut 
Creek. I didn't have the start up disk to install the CD. However, I 
went to www.freebsd.org to download the image file to copy on the floppy 
to create a startup disk. Now, as I enter the installation menu. 
Everything is fine, except when it reaches the copying of files to the 
hard drive. The installation tells me that it is unable to copy the 
distribution files to the hard disk, since it is not a 2.1.5 version or 
earlier. What gives? Shouldn't the image file compatible for all 
version? If not, where can I get my hands on one? Any ideas would be 
appreciated. Thanks.


Brian Somers wrote:
> In article <5jbmfa$50r$1@news.inc.net>,
>         adam@netsonic.com (Adam L. Simpson) writes:
> > Hi:
> >
> > I am pretty new to the FBSD OS and and trying to install it on a machine with
> > nothing else on it but dos.
> Your best starting point is to use fdisk to "unuse" some of your disk
> space.  FreeBSDs installation will use this space.
> > I cannot get the cdrom to work at all for the install after all of the novice
> > setup procedures have been completed. I can however access it from any dos
> > prompts etc.
> ATAPI support is pretty good in 2.1.7 & 2.2.1.
> > I have also tried to install from a dos partition and that has failed.  It has
> > either locked up or it has failed to install files and when it did install, it
> > would not allow me to login as anyone nor as root.
> >
> > Any help, suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.
> How did you dos install fail ?  As someone else has pointed out, you
> need to put the distribution in C:\FREEBSD.  Nobody can tell you what
> the problem is if you just say "it failed".  You need to say where
> and how.
> When "it did install", how did it "not allow you to login" ?  Did it
> say "Login incorrect" ?  If so, boot single-user (-s option at the
> Boot: prompt) and type "passwd root" at the shell prompt.  Type in
> a password that you'll remember.
> > Adam L. Simpson
> >
> >
> --
> Brian <brian@awfulhak.org> <brian@freebsd.org>
>       <http://www.awfulhak.org>
> Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !