*BSD News Article 94252

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From: j@ida.interface-business.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: UUCP - uucico dies after login
Date: 23 Apr 1997 09:45:30 GMT
Organization: interface business GmbH, Dresden
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <5jklnq$b7n@innocence.interface-business.de>
References: <335B3AFC.446B9B3D@corpex.com>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@interface-business.de (Joerg Wunsch)
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Neil Fowler Wright <jobs@corpex.com> wrote:

> You know "Last Login.... etc etc" and the modem just returns NO

Btw., UUCP accounts should probably have a .hushlogin.

> The recei comp.mail.uucp ving machine with the modems is reporting the
> following error
> ERROR: write: input/output error

This sounds like a not properly connected modem.  Make sure you use
hardware flow control, and also monitor the modem status lines while
the problem happens.

Also, increase the UUCP debug level, and examine the logs.

J"org Wunsch					       Unix support engineer
joerg_wunsch@interface-business.de       http://www.interface-business.de/~j