*BSD News Article 94276

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From: ripley@nostromo.in-berlin.de (H. Eckert)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: What's wrong with this ATAPI setup?
Date: 22 Apr 1997 21:58:09 GMT
Organization: Private access site (FreeBSD 2.2.1), Berlin, Germany, Europe
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jsi@idiom.com (Michael Craft):
> After recompiling the kernel, what should our fstab entry be?
> Is this correct?
> /dev/wcd0c	/cdrom	cd9960	ro	0	0

I have this one (commented out because the drive is in the other machine now)
#/dev/wcd0c	/cdrom	cd9660	ro,noauto	0	0

The device doesn't tell a lot though since it's only an alias to the
real IDE-device.  Taking a look into the kernel's config file you will
find references to "wdc0" and "wdc1" (denoting the two IDE controllers
that are present on machines capable of four IDE devices) and "wd0",
"wd1", "wd2", and "wd3" which are the four possible drives (two per

On my old system I had only one controller so I had the hard disk and
the CD-ROM both on "wdc0", the disk being "wd0" (master) and the CD-ROM
"wd1" (slave).
While migrating to a bigger hard disk I had both disks connected as
"wd0" and "wd1" on "wdc0" and enabled the IDE-port on the soundcard
which gave me a "wdc1" controller for the CD-ROM.  For this to work
I set the CD-ROM to master so it was "wd3".

H. Eckert, 10777 Berlin, Germany
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