*BSD News Article 94377

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From: Dan Kegel <dkegel@activision.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Can one executable run on both Red Hat and BSDI?
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 13:26:44 -0700
Organization: Exodus Communications
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I'm writing a program that I'd like to distribute to
ISP's.  The first platform I'm supporting is Red Hat Linux,
since it seems to be the best linux at the moment.
I'm getting requests to also support BSDI.

Question: is it possible to compile a single executable to run
on both Red Hat Linux and BSDI?  

(And for extra credit: I'm hoping to use the Red Hat Package Manager
to install the program under Red Hat; what's the best way to do it
under BSDI?)

I would just install BSDI, but when you check pricing on 
BSDI's web page, it essentially says "If you have to ask, 
you can't afford it :-)"  Plus, it'd be nice to cut down on
the number of compiles I have to do when I update my program.

Dan Kegel