*BSD News Article 94465

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From: Frank McConnell <fmc@rahul.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: can you dial into NT RAS server with FreeBSD ?
Date: 25 Apr 1997 01:18:33 GMT
Organization: File under Psychedelia
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <5jp0p9$grl@samba.rahul.net>
References: <dkleinh.861849134@isotope.ps.uci.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: waltz.rahul.net
NNTP-Posting-User: fmc
Keywords: FreeBSD, MS RAS server
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39748

Dirk Kleinhesselink <dkleinh@isotope.ps.uci.edu> wrote:
>[...]  Is it possible to do what I want ?  I assume MS has some kind of 
>private authentication scheme ?

RAS PPP wants to use PPP authentication protocols.  Way back when I tried
something like this with NT 3.51 Server, it was necessary to tell the RAS
server to allow clear text authentication so that it would do PAP.  (Else
it would only negotiate proprietary authentication protocols like Shiva
PAP and Microsoft's CHAP algorithm 0x80, both of which support some
form of encrypted authentication.)

Unfortunately I haven't tried this with FreeBSD or under NT 4.0 so don't
know what authentication protocols are supported there.  But if you want
to do the clear text authentication (which uses PAP, which sends your
password across the wire in the clear so that it is snoopable), then the
things to click are.... 

    Control Panel (application)
    Network (icon)
    Services (tab)
    Remote Access Service (from list)
    Properties (button)
    Network (button)
    Allow any authentication including clear text (radio button)

Hope this helps.

-Frank McConnell