*BSD News Article 94564

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From: ripley@nostromo.in-berlin.de (H. Eckert)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Kernel build after add_pkg
Date: 26 Apr 1997 22:53:33 GMT
Organization: Private access site (FreeBSD 2.2.1), Berlin, Germany, Europe
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39830

root@cyber-services.net (Charlie Root):
> Upon booting, the new kernel probes all kinds of devices the /kernel.old
> file never did and hangs solid.  It appears the GENERIC kernel is _too_
> generic for my system.  Instead of the file kernel GENERIC, I need the
> kernel parameter file my system used when I installed the system and I
> cannot find the original bugger.

As you didn't have a way to custom-build your kernel before, the old
kernel should still be the GENERIC one.  Are you sure you didn't by
accident copy the LINT config file ?
I'd start by building a truly GENERIC kernel without your change and
trying that one first.  If this doesn't help, comment out every device
entry in the config file that doesn't apply to your machine.

H. Eckert, 10777 Berlin, Germany
ISO 8859-1: Ä=Ae, Ö=Oe, Ü=Ue, ä=ae, ö=oe, ü=ue, ß=sz.
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