*BSD News Article 95097

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From: sms@moe.2bsd.com (Steven M. Schultz)
Subject: static memory conflict in sendmail, hack Makefile fixed (#373)
Organization: 2BSD, Simi Valley CA USA
Message-ID: <E9y9J7.Io2@moe.2bsd.com>
Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 05:21:07 GMT
Lines: 379
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.bugs.2bsd:767

Subject: static memory conflict in sendmail, hack Makefile fixed (#373)
Index:	usr.sbin/sendmail/src/conf.c,games/hack/Makefile 2.11BSD

	Sendmail was unable to determine the name of the user running him
	due to a static buffer being used without being saved between calls.

	The Makefile for hack(6) was installing the executable in the wrong
	place and failing to create a required directory.

	Recreate the aliases database with "sendmail -bi".  Then look at the
	logfile.  Note that you see your timezone name instead of 'root' or 
	other valid username.

May  9 20:16:35 curly sendmail[1622]: alias database rebuilt by PDT
May  9 20:16:36 curly sendmail[1622]: 12 aliases, longest 21 bytes, 201 bytes total

	After applying the fix below and installing the new sendmail the 
	expected message is seen:

May  9 20:17:04 curly sendmail[1634]: alias database rebuilt by root
May  9 20:17:05 curly sendmail[1634]: 12 aliases, longest 21 bytes, 201 bytes total

	cd /usr/src/games/hack
	make install

	Note that an error occurs because the executable is attempting to
	be installed in an incorrect directory.

	The fixes are small but will require 'sendmail' to be recompiled and

	Cut where indicated and save to a file (/tmp/373).  Then:

		patch -p0 < /tmp/373
		cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/src
		make install
		sendmail -bz

	If you run sendmail in 'daemon' mode it will be necessary to do a 
	'ps -ax|grep sendmail' and kill the running sendmail process and
	restart it.

	hack(6) may even run - if you're the adventurous type of person:

		cd /usr/src/games/hack
		make install

	As always this and previous updates to 2.11BSD are available via
	anonymous FTP to either FTP.IIPO.GTEGSC.COM or MOE.2BSD.COM in the
	directory /pub/2.11BSD.
-----------------------------cut here------------------------
*** /usr/src/games/hack/Makefile.old	Sat Mar 30 23:10:15 1996
--- /usr/src/games/hack/Makefile	Mon Apr 28 20:14:27 1997
*** 1,4 ****
! #	#(@)	Makefile	1.1 (2.11BSD)	1996/3/21
  # Hack Overlay Makefile.
--- 1,4 ----
! #	#(@)	Makefile	1.2 (2.11BSD)	1997/4/28
  # Hack Overlay Makefile.
*** 7,13 ****
  # make hack
  GAME = hack
! GAMEDIR = /usr/games/lib/hackdir
  GAMEUID = daemon
--- 7,14 ----
  # make hack
  GAME = hack
! BINDIR = /usr/games
! LIBDIR = /usr/games/lib/hackdir
  GAMEUID = daemon
*** 160,168 ****
  install: $(GAME)
! 	install -o $(GAMEUID) -m 4711 $(GAME) $(DESTDIR)$(GAMEDIR)/$(GAME)
! 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(GAMEDIR)/bones*
  #   The make node `depend' has been commented out as the current dependency
  # list is [now] not as simple as it used to be ...  The reason for this is
--- 161,171 ----
  install: $(GAME)
! 	install -o $(GAMEUID) -m 4711 $(GAME) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GAME)
! 	-rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)
! 	-mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/${LIBDIR}
! 	chown daemon ${DESTDIR}/${LIBDIR}
! 	chmod 700 ${DESTDIR}/${LIBDIR}
  #   The make node `depend' has been commented out as the current dependency
  # list is [now] not as simple as it used to be ...  The reason for this is
*** /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/src/conf.c.old	Thu Oct 24 21:08:11 1996
--- /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/src/conf.c	Fri May  9 20:09:39 1997
*** 9,15 ****
  #if !defined(lint) && !defined(NOSCCS)
! static char	SccsId[] = "@(#)conf.c	5.14.4 (2.11BSD GTE) 1996/10/24";
  # include <pwd.h>
--- 9,15 ----
  #if !defined(lint) && !defined(NOSCCS)
! static char	SccsId[] = "@(#)conf.c	5.14.5 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/5/9";
  # include <pwd.h>
*** 25,35 ****
  **	Defines the configuration of this installation.
  **	Compilation Flags:
- **		V6 -- running on a version 6 system.  This determines
- **			whether to define certain routines between
- **			the two systems.  If you are running a funny
- **			system, e.g., V6 with long tty names, this
- **			should be checked carefully.
  **		VMUNIX -- running on a Berkeley UNIX system.
  **	Configuration Variables:
--- 25,30 ----
*** 152,317 ****
  	DefUid = 1;
  	DefGid = 1;
- # ifdef V6
- /*
- **  TTYNAME -- return name of terminal.
- **
- **	Parameters:
- **		fd -- file descriptor to check.
- **
- **	Returns:
- **		pointer to full path of tty.
- **		NULL if no tty.
- **
- **	Side Effects:
- **		none.
- */
- char *
- ttyname(fd)
- 	int fd;
- {
- 	register char tn;
- 	static char pathn[] = "/dev/ttyx";
- 	/* compute the pathname of the controlling tty */
- 	if ((tn = ttyn(fd)) == NULL)
- 	{
- 		errno = 0;
- 		return (NULL);
- 	}
- 	pathn[8] = tn;
- 	return (pathn);
- }
- /*
- **  FDOPEN -- Open a stdio file given an open file descriptor.
- **
- **	This is included here because it is standard in v7, but we
- **	need it in v6.
- **
- **	Algorithm:
- **		Open /dev/null to create a descriptor.
- **		Close that descriptor.
- **		Copy the existing fd into the descriptor.
- **
- **	Parameters:
- **		fd -- the open file descriptor.
- **		type -- "r", "w", or whatever.
- **
- **	Returns:
- **		The file descriptor it creates.
- **
- **	Side Effects:
- **		none
- **
- **	Called By:
- **		deliver
- **
- **	Notes:
- **		The mode of fd must match "type".
- */
- FILE *
- fdopen(fd, type)
- 	int fd;
- 	char *type;
- {
- 	register FILE *f;
- 	f = fopen("/dev/null", type);
- 	(void) close(fileno(f));
- 	fileno(f) = fd;
- 	return (f);
- }
- /*
- **  INDEX -- Return pointer to character in string
- **
- **	For V7 compatibility.
- **
- **	Parameters:
- **		s -- a string to scan.
- **		c -- a character to look for.
- **
- **	Returns:
- **		If c is in s, returns the address of the first
- **			instance of c in s.
- **		NULL if c is not in s.
- **
- **	Side Effects:
- **		none.
- */
- char *
- index(s, c)
- 	register char *s;
- 	register char c;
- {
- 	while (*s != '\0')
- 	{
- 		if (*s++ == c)
- 			return (--s);
- 	}
- 	return (NULL);
- }
- /*
- **  UMASK -- fake the umask system call.
- **
- **	Since V6 always acts like the umask is zero, we will just
- **	assume the same thing.
- */
- umask(nmask)
- {
- 	return (0);
- }
- **  GETRUID -- get real user id.
- */
- getruid()
- {
- 	return (getuid() & 0377);
- }
- /*
- **  GETRGID -- get real group id.
- */
- getrgid()
- {
- 	return (getgid() & 0377);
- }
- /*
- **  GETEUID -- get effective user id.
- */
- geteuid()
- {
- 	return ((getuid() >> 8) & 0377);
- }
- /*
- **  GETEGID -- get effective group id.
- */
- getegid()
- {
- 	return ((getgid() >> 8) & 0377);
- }
- # endif V6
- # ifndef V6
- /*
  **  GETRUID -- get real user id (V7)
--- 147,154 ----
*** 336,343 ****
  		return (getgid());
! # endif V6
! /*
  **  USERNAME -- return the user id of the logged in user.
  **	Parameters:
--- 173,179 ----
  		return (getgid());
! /*
  **  USERNAME -- return the user id of the logged in user.
  **	Parameters:
*** 370,376 ****
  			pw = getpwuid(getruid());
  			if (pw != NULL)
! 				myname = pw->pw_name;
--- 206,212 ----
  			pw = getpwuid(getruid());
  			if (pw != NULL)
! 				myname = newstr(pw->pw_name);
*** 380,386 ****
  				pw = getpwuid(getuid());
  				if (pw != NULL)
! 					myname = pw->pw_name;
  		if (myname == NULL || myname[0] == '\0')
--- 216,222 ----
  				pw = getpwuid(getuid());
  				if (pw != NULL)
! 					myname = newstr(pw->pw_name);
  		if (myname == NULL || myname[0] == '\0')
*** /VERSION.old	Wed May  7 20:06:21 1997
--- /VERSION	Fri May  9 21:57:12 1997
*** 1,5 ****
! Current Patch Level: 372
! Date: May 7, 1997
  2.11 BSD
--- 1,5 ----
! Current Patch Level: 373
! Date: May 9, 1997
  2.11 BSD