*BSD News Article 95626

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From: "Jose M. Alcaide" <jose@we.lc.ehu.es>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: AMD and Sun's automount maps
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 13:01:53 +0200
Organization: Universidad del Pais Vasco - Dpto. de Electricidad y Electronica
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I'm new to FreeBSD (2.2.1), after 13 years working with, and managing,
various UNIX flavors, mainly SunOS and Solaris. I must say that I'm very
positively impressed with FreeBSD.

However, I have some problems with AMD, the FreeBSD's automounter.
I would like to know if there is any way of configuring AMD in
such a way that it could use the same auto.home indirect map that
is shared (using YP) in our local network. I dont't want to
maintain two parallel "home" maps: one for Sun's automount clients
and another for FreeBSD AMD clients. Is it possible?

Jose M. Alcaide                         | E-mail: <jose@we.lc.ehu.es>
Universidad del Pais Vasco              | WWW:
Dpto. de Electricidad y Electronica     |  http://www.we.lc.ehu.es/~jose
Facultad de Ciencias - Campus de Lejona | Phone:  +34-4-4647700 x2624
48940 Lejona (Vizcaya) - SPAIN          | Fax:    +34-4-4858139