*BSD News Article 98012

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From: dillon@flea.best.net (Matt Dillon)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: login.conf class system on FreeBSD 2.1-REL?
Date: 18 Jun 1997 12:21:27 -0700
Organization: Best Internet Communications, Inc. - 415 964 BEST
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <5o9cfn$69q$1@flea.best.net>
References: <33A7E2DA.224E794C@bigblue.no> <5o96ps$82l$1@bofh.noc.best.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: flea.best.net
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:43136

:In article <5o96ps$82l$1@bofh.noc.best.net>,
:Ron Echeverri <rone@bofh.noc.best.net> wrote:
:>In article <33A7E2DA.224E794C@bigblue.no>,
:>Frode Nordahl  <froden@bigblue.no> wrote:
:>>Anyone know what actions should be taken, what utilities, config files
:>>etc. to upgrade to use the login class system (login.conf) of 2.2-REL on
:>>a 2.1-REL ( system?  Is it even posible?
:>>If not, how painfull is it to upgrade to 2.2, and when will 2.2 reach
:>I don't know about your first request, but upgrading to 2.2 isn't
:>painful at all; my only hitch was looking for stuff which was linked
:>to libgnumalloc (i didn't know at the time it was in /usr/lib/compat)
:>and recompiling it.  2.2 has been extremely stable and i would
:>recommend everyone who can upgrade to do so.
:>Ron Echeverri         Best Internet Usenet Administration         rone@best.net
:>       "This is your head...  and this is Henry Rollins stomping on it."

    I upgraded my home system from 2.1.x to 2.2 from the base sources.  It
    was a smooth upgrade.  In fact, it worked the first time, which surprised 
    me :-)
