*BSD News Article 98079

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From: pjp@news.vex.net (Peter Philipp)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: non-present SYSVSHM?
Date: 13 Jun 1997 07:50:33 GMT
Organization: Vex.Net
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <slrn5q1ujo.ba8.pjp@vex.net>
References: <338C5A5E.45D397DC@ms1.hinet.net> <Pine.BSF.3.95.970605214717.20031A-100000@public.ug.cs.sunysb.edu>
X-Newsreader: slrn ( UNIX)
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:43164

In article <Pine.BSF.3.95.970605214717.20031A-100000@public.ug.cs.sunysb.edu>, 
xiang xia wrote:
>On Thu, 29 May 1997, Richard Tsai wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> 	I just installed FreeBSD 2.2.1 on my machine. I found this following
>> message under X-window often:
>> 	cmd XF86 pid 2784 tried to use non-present SYSVSHM
>> And ppp connection would be cut afterward.
>> Does anyone know what causes this? and how to fix it?
>> --
>> RT
>I got the same message on my PC. Is there anybody can help us?

I recompiled kernel with:

options		SYSVSHM		#SYSV shared memory support 

That stopped these messages.  Read the handbook on how to recompile 
your kernel for which you need the /usr/src/sys directory tree.  The
handbook should be in /usr/share/doc/handbook with 2 versions the ascii
version which is called handbook.latin1 in FreeBSD 2.2.1 and the html'ized
version which would be handbook_toc.html (lynx handbook_toc.html).  The
handbook is also found on www.freebsd.org which should be the most updated
one, just follow the documentation links.

Hope that helps,
