*BSD News Article 98199

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From: Juergen Baier <baier@lab.unisource.ch>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: de0 21140 not 10MBits
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:56:58 +0000
Organization: Unisource
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:43332

I can't get my Addtron Ethernet card with an
DEC 21140 working on an 10Mbits Hub.

When using the DOS diagnostics I get the 
10Mbit and Link LED on and the
program says everything is fine.
As soon as I start FreeBSD 2.2.2 the link LED goes
of an the 100Mbit LED on.

On startup it show correctly de0.

I start it with:
ifconfig de0 inet -link2

Is there a WWWpage or manual how to use the
de0 device correctly? 
It was pretty hard to find the -link2 in dejanews.

thanks for your help in advance. 
Juergen Baier                  Phone +41 31 688 81 81
Network Consultant Internet    Fax   +41 31 688 81 52
Unisource Switzerland
Schermenwaldstr. 13
CH-3063 Ittigen                baier@unisource.ch
Switzerland                    http://www.unisource.ch