*BSD News Article 9822

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From: gab10@griffincd.amdahl.com (Gary A Browning)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: 386BSD.EXE - Let DOS handle booting?
Message-ID: <bab6024S31WK01@JUTS.ccc.amdahl.com>
Date: 13 Jan 93 23:10:45 GMT
References: <C0q94w.48p@NeoSoft.com> <CGD.93Jan12072159@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Sender: netnews@ccc.amdahl.com
Organization: Amdahl Corporation
Lines: 40

In article <CGD.93Jan12072159@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU>,
cgd@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Chris G. Demetriou) writes:
> In article <C0q94w.48p@NeoSoft.com> karl@NeoSoft.com (Karl Lehenbauer)
> writes:
> >The only drawback is you'd need a DOS partition or floppy to do it
> that
> >way, no biggie but possibly offensive to purists.
> <chuckle>
> Karl, you get the understatement of the year award...
> not only is that a *nasty* solution, but given the state
> of the DOS partition code (i.e. UGLY as all hell),
> it's only nastier...
> and i don't wanna have to put DOS on my disks... that's cruel
> and unusual punishment!!!    8-)
> chris
> --
> Chris G. Demetriou                                   
> cgd@cs.berkeley.edu
> "Sometimes it is better to have twenty million instructions by
>         Friday than twenty million instructions per second." -- Wes
> Clark

Maybe it is better to have a kludgy but working 386BSD system than to be
stuck with only DOS. Your own signature implies this kind of compromise. 8-)

I would not like to see this idea die before I have heard some discussion on
it first.

Gary Browning        | Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a
		     | great idea hits you, and just before you realize
                     | what is wrong with it.