*BSD News Article 98228

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From: dwmalone@maths.tcd.ie (David Malone)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: NFS locking in FreeBSD
Date: 23 Jun 1997 00:09:53 +0100
Organization: Dept. of Maths, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Lines: 19
Sender: mathnews@graves.maths.tcd.ie
Message-ID: <5okbc1$o6t@graves.maths.tcd.ie>
References: <5obofk$5ri$1@news.indigo.ie> <5ocloi$n5p$6@darla.visi.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:43305

drechsau@nospam.visi.com (Mike Horwath) writes:

>Alan Judge <Alan.Judge@indigo.ie> wrote:
>: What's the current status (if any) of NFS locking in FreeBSD?  Last I heard,
>: FreeBSD didn't have NFS locking.  Is this still true?

>: This might be a show-stopper for us in a new project using a NetApp filer
>: as a backend.

>Last time I tried this, I got panic'ed :)

>But that was months ago, I am sure they got it working by now.

Acording to the man pages rpc.statd works OK, but rpc.lockd
will allow remote hosts to get locks on a FreeBSD machines, but
not the FreeBSD machine to get locks on remote machines. I've seen
a similar comment in the rc.* files.
