*BSD News Article 98530

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#! rnews 1526 bsd
From: David Bauer Christensen <dave@firmworks.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: questions of a Linux convert
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 15:43:56 -0700
Organization: FirmWorks
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Hello all,

	I very much like your OS, as I have installed it for
	development for others at work.  I am now greatly
	considering converting my linux box (x86) at home to
	a NetBSD machine. ...But I have a few questions first:

	I have several elf apps that I use frequently at home:

	Netscape 3.01 & StarOffice 3.1 both are statically-linked
	Motif elf binaries ... will they work under NetBSD?

	Another question: has anyone gotten WindowMaker, Nextaw,
	GNUstep, or SPICE to work under NetBSD?

	Thank you very much in advance,

	-David Bauer Christensen

	PS  Keep up the good work!

System Administrator
480 San Antonio Rd.
Mountain View, Ca 94040