*BSD News Article 98578

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From: conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Does leafnode work?
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 22:47:00 -0500
Organization: NeoSoft, Inc.  
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <k3dvo5.06.ln@dolphin.neosoft.com>
References: <5onffi$5oa@news.wcc.net> <87lo3yxw1t.fsf@plm.xs4all.nl>
Reply-To: conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier)
NNTP-Posting-Host: as5200-port-254.no.neosoft.com
X-Newsreader: trn 4.0-test58 (13 May 97)
Originator: conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier)
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:43603

In article <87lo3yxw1t.fsf@plm.xs4all.nl>,
Peter Mutsaers  <plm@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>I compiled it using gmake, but had to do some install things manually
>(esp. create the message.id directories). So I don't have a patch. But
>after running it a while I started getting 'too many open file'
>errors. I didn't sort this out further yet.

You need to reconfig/rebuild your kernel to increase the size of the
system's tables.

I'm currently using

maxusers        32
options         CHILD_MAX=256
options         OPEN_MAX=512

which seems to be adequate.

Interestingly, when I upgraded from FreeBSD 2.x to CURRENT, I had to
increase these settings.  If you're using 2.x, you can probably get by
with less than the above (I was using maxusers 20 and OPEN_MAX 256

I *promise* I'll get working on submitting a port Real Soon Now.  :-)
Hadn't seen that much interest in leafnode until recently.

If you just can't wait, check the incoming dir on ftp.freebsd.org.
There's an old port of leafnode 0.8 that never became official, but I
found the patches there helpful as a guide when I was installing 1.0.
Conrad Sabatier